Homelessness and Broken-ness
Homeless people being admitted to Thomond House Emergency Accommodation Services are usually initially very mute. Later they become expressive lamenting what is happening to them and laying bare part of their story of crisis and misfortune. Their demeanour at this time is of a “broken-ness”and their disposition is one of distress in trying to come to terms with their situation. The service works with each client to enable and empower them to address their respective situations. In the operation of the service cohort after cohort of new homeless people are admitted throughout the year. Donors can provide additional support for them through the provision of funding for“extra personal effects” as most have very few possessions when admitted. The people concerned are at a very low ebb.
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Upkeep of Accomodation
The social nature of the business “housing people in cycles of homelessness” results in a high level of wear and tear on accommodation units and facilities. There is a requirement for constant maintenance, redecoration and refurbishment to sustain a standard of the service. There is also a requirement to make ready the accommodation which one client vacates so that it is in good condition for new homeless clients being admitted. There are shortfalls in funding the continuous upkeep of accommodation and financial support would be gratefully accepted.
How to Donate
To help us continue to provide support and care to those who need assistance in our community, please donate safely and securely using our online Paypal. Just click on the donate button below and follow the simple steps or alternatively you can help please make cheques payable to ACT Thomond House.